I promised to fight for you and for Saratoga Springs when I ran for election two years ago, and I have kept that. promise, Now I need your help to continue the advances we've made.
Some of the important steps forward in my first term:
* As a member of the States Committee on the Future of Thoroughbred Racing I fought to maintain the character of Saratoga's world-class summer racing scene. I remain in close contact with Governor Spitzer and the Legislature as they choose a new operator for the historic Saratoga Race Course.
* Plans for expanding our City Center are finally moving forward, thanks to a $12 million state grant.
* I led the City Council in lobbying for additional state-aid based on video lottery revenues, beginning with $4 million this year.
* My bipartisan appointees have brought new perspectives to the zoning, planning, and design boards, which no longer automatically approve the kinds of luxury condo and mega-mansion projects that were driving housing costs beyond the reach of ordinary working families. Other city boards have been re-invigorated by the appointment of citizens who were previously excluded from participation in local government,
*I commissioned a comprehensive study of downtown parking and transportation needs, projecting twenty years into the future.
* We increased funding fo recreation by requiring condo projects, like other developments, to pay additional impact lees.
* We closed a loophole in the /oninglawto keep luxury condo developers from claiming density bonuses meant only for low- or middle-income senior citizen housing.
* At my urging, CDTA listened to the concerns of senior citizens and agreed to retain dedicated bus stops at the Embury and Stonequist apartments.
For some Saratoga Springs politicians, maintaining their exclusionary, entrenched establishment has been the number one goal. My Democratic challenger represents a business-as-usual approach. I represent Democrats who want a fresh approach that brings all constituents together to make Saratoga a community where citizens' voices are heard, elected officials put the public interest before personal interests, and city government is marked by civility, professionalism, and dedication to public service. I want to continue leading the fight to make Saratoga a place where "progress" doesn't Just mean commercial real estate growth but cultural and community well-being overall.
Please support my campaign with your ideas and contributions. And don't forget to vote in the Democratic primary on September 18th. Thankyou.
Mayor Valeric Keehn