Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Administrator of Parks, Open Lands, and Historic Preservation

Mayor Valerie Keehn has appointed Lew Benton to the position of Administrator of Parks, Open Lands, and Historic Preservation, fulfilling a mandate in the current city charter that is long overdue. Here's what the charter says about this postion.

3.3. Administrator of Parks, Open Lands, and Historic Preservation.

There shall be an Administrator of Parks, Open Lands, and Historic Preservation under the direction of the Mayor. The Mayor, in accordance with Civil Service Law, shall appoint the Administrator. The Administrator shall be a qualified professional in the field of parks, open lands, or historic preservation administration, and shall be appointed on the basis of education and experience in a like jurisdiction.

The Administrator of Parks, Open Lands, and Historic Preservation shall be responsible for the planning, management, development, and administration of a parks and open lands system within the City of Saratoga Springs and shall integrate and coordinate the activities of the Heritage Area Program, the City Historian, and all policies and programs of the City dealing with historic preservation. The City’s parks and open lands, whether used for active or passive recreation, environmental protection, or scenic enhancement, are held in trust by the City of Saratoga Springs for the public.

The parks and open lands may not be alienated from their purposes except as provided by the laws of the State of New York and the United States.

3.3.1. Policy development. The Administrator of Parks, Open Lands, and Historic Preservation shall recommend policies regulating the use of the lands and facilities in the City’s park and open lands system. Such policies regarding use shall be subject to review and approval by the Council.

3.3.2. Inventory. The Administrator of Parks, Open Lands and Historic Preservation shall regularly update and maintain an inventory of City-owned land and buildings currently used as parkland, open lands, or for historic purposes and shall request formal designation of such lands and buildings by the Council.

3.3.3. Master plans. The Administrator of Parks, Open Lands, and Historic Preservation shall, in conjunction with the Commissioner of Public Wo rks and the Office of Planning and Economic Development, develop a city-wide Parks, Open Lands, and Historic Preservation Master Plan, which shall include all designated lands and facilities extant or proposed. The Plan shall be developed and transmitted to the Council for comment and adoption.

The Council shall hold a public hearing prior to adoption of the plan. If not adopted by the Council within 90 days, the Master Plan as submitted shall be the official Parks, Open Lands, and Historic Preservation Master Plan of the City until subsequently modified by the Council.

Such Master Plan shall be reviewed and updated periodically, but not less than once every five years.

3.3.4. Capital plan. The Administrator of Parks, Open Lands, and Historic Preservation shall develop a long-range Capital Plan in cooperation with the Office of the City Engineer for all lands and facilities under its jurisdiction. The long-range Capital Plan shall be transmitted to Chairperson of the City’s Capital Program Committee in sufficient detail on or before August 1 and in time for inclusion in the City’s six-year Capital Program. The Administrator shall transmit its capital and operation budget requests annually , including maintenance and improvements, to the Commissioner of Finance on or before August 1.

3.3.5. Acquisitions. The Administrator of Parks, Open Lands, and Historic Preservation shall be responsible for identifying, negotiating, and recommending lands for addition to the City’s parks and open land system including gifts offered to the City. The Administrator shall provide the Council with the following information for each recommended acquisition:

Description of natural and cultural resources.
Any needed improvements.
Whether the cost of such acquisition and improvements are within the limits of available monies and/or appropriations.

The Administrator shall utilize whatever acquisition techniques are appropriate, including, but not limited to, purchasing property, conservation, and/or development easements, or using private/public partnerships to achieve open land preservation and public access. No additions to the City park, open lands, or historic preservation system shall be made without approval of the Council.

3.3.6. Grants. The Administrator of Parks, Open Lands, and Historic Preservation shall, with approval of the Council, seek out and apply for private and public grants for the purposes and benefit of the system.

3.3.7. Bond and grant allocation. The Administrator of Parks, Open Lands, and Historic Preservation shall make recommendations to the Council regarding use of proceeds from bonds for park, open lands, or historic preservation purposes or from state, federal, or private grants for such purposes.

3.3.8. Concession standards. The Administrator of Parks, Open Lands, and Historic Preservation shall recommend general standards to the Council relative to concessions on City-owned property within the system, including concessions for sale of merchandise and food.

3.3.9. Coordination with the Department of Public

Works. The Administrator of Parks, Open Lands, and Historic Preservation shall assist the Commissioner of Public Works in developing a maintenance, operation, repair, and public use policy for each site in the system.

3.3.10. Coordination with the Recreation Commission.

The Administrator of Pa rks, Open Lands, and Historic Preservation shall work closely with the Recreation Commission to ensure that the Recreation Commission has access to appropriate lands and facilities for scheduling the Recreation Commission’s programs.