Monday, June 4, 2007

Mayor Keehn fixed loopholes in zoning laws

Zoning regulations were established under previous mayors to encourage developers to build affordable housing, and to include affordable housing units in development projects. But Mayor Keehn found that the regulations did not match the intent of the law. Mayor Keehn closed a loophole in the zoning law to keep luxury condo developers from claiming density bonuses meant only for low or middle-income senior citizen housing.

Mayor Keehn also closed another loophole in the law by requiring condo projects, like other development projects, pay additional impact fees --- fees that increase funding for recreation. Previously, developers could bundle condos to only pay one fee, based upon the development "footprint" rather than the individual condos. Major Keehn has eliminated this loophole. As a result, this will significantly increase the dedicated money for the new recreation center.